Drew Mcintyre 2020 He is The Man who carried WWE in the Pendemic ERA

CM Punk 2011-2012 Punk Title reign was best

CM Punk 2011-2012 Punk Title reign was best

Randy Oron The rising years of The Viper is 2008,2009,2013

Randy Oron The rising years of The Viper is 2008,2009,2013

Batista 2005-2007 was the Prime Year of animal Batista

Batista 2005-2007 was the Prime Year of animal Batista

Seth Rollins 2014-2015 The architect Seth was best

AJ Styles 2016-2017

AJ Styles 2016-2017

Brock Lesner 

Brock Lesner 

2014-2020 Beast Incarnate Brock Lesner was untouchable